The rest of the drive was fabulous! If you ever have the opportunity to drive “The Loneliest Road in America”, do it. It doesn’t feel like the loneliest road, even though there are very few towns along the way, there is plenty of traffic so not to feel too lonely.

We checked in and got hooked up at the
RV Park at Grand Sierra Resort.

We had a great work week! It is always a pleasure working with
Scootaround and especially working with Sue Kelly, our Territory Manager. She is one of those people who should be in management, she is respectful, direct and just plain fun to be around. We worked a total of 60 hours in 6 days, but they were mostly easy hours. That is why we really enjoy our time working for them, the hours may be long but it’s not hard work.

We had a few play nights during our stay, our first night we hung out at the
Grand Sierra Casino and won a few jackpots. We ate at the
Lodge, claiming to be “The Best Buffet in Reno” that serves crab, shrimp and prime rib nightly, it was really scrumptious. I enjoyed the crab and shrimp, both were served cold but Jerry preferred the prime rib.
Sue was staying at
Circus Circus so we went out to dinner with her one night and ate at
Smokin' Gecko's BBQ. We had the $9.99 all you can eat BBQ Rib Special and they meat just fell off the bones and the sauce was absolutely out of this world. Now, Sue went back the next day and she said it wasn’t as good.
A funny thing happened after dinner, we went our separate ways and when we tried to use our card from
Circus Circus, it would not work. All awhile we continued to play and win some jackpots while looking for the card booth so they could fix it. We finally asked someone where we could find the booth and we found out that we were no longer in
Circus Circus. There are 3 casinos connected and when we looked at our tickets, we realized we had been in the other two casinos for awhile now. We were having a great time and finally found our way back to
Circus Circus and hailed a cab.
It was a great cab ride, something we always fear, driving late at night in an unfamiliar area but instead we had a very nice cab driver and the taxi was clean and well maintained.
I never even knew there was such a thing as an
air race, so the
Reno Air Races were our first.

Only one crash, and from what we heard, he was doing fine. Our booth was located right next to the track paramedics and sheriff’s booths so we seen him come in on a gurney and was scratched up but his eyes were open and he was actually sitting up. We are not into the type of races that were going on but it was really fun watching people. What an assortment of characters that come to these events and when we are sitting in a booth all day, we do get some really good views.

It was really a fun week, even though we worked most of it, we still found the time to have some fun, that is what this lifestyle is all about.