Making it up the coast with only a few minor changes. The plan was to stop at
Trees of Mystery and Sky Trail which we did, be sure to read our separate blog on this adventure and check out the photos on our
Picasa Web Albums…they are awesome.

We had planned to boondock at
Lucky 7 Casino for the night but even though the area was nice enough we were a bit apprehensive. It being the off season and not another RV in sight, the casino being so small, and not being comfortable boondocking behind a convenience/liquor store, we decided to head all the way to North Bend, Oregon instead to hook up at
The Mill Casino RV Park.

We crossed another state sign off our list and have added it to
our map. It was my first time ever in Oregon and along the coast but Jerry had done it many times, he actually lived in the Portland area for about a year, many years ago while he was doing tile installation. For my first impression, unfortunately, the coastal drive was covered with thick patches of fog, so thick, we could hardly see beyond the highway. Every once in awhile, we would get a glimpse of the shoreline with some really nice huge boulders in the ocean but the fog took over so much, we did not see too much of the beauty. Hopefully, on the way back down it won’t be so foggy or rainy.

We had waited for so many years to do this drive, the first plan was going to be our honeymoon, which we never did. Then, once we began our travels we planned to do it several times, but something always came up. It’s nice to finally cross it off our list, but better weather would have been nicer, but it is what it is and we are just pleased to finally be doing it.

Pumping gas in Oregon was different. In the entire state, there is no self-service, all gas is pumped by an attendant, which made us pretty lazy and we noticed it saved us money. The reasoning behind that is that I never went inside any of the stores and seen anything we could not live without. The normal for us, is Jerry pumps while I go inside to pay and look around. No matter what, there seems to be something new or different for us to taste while in certain areas, so this all changed since I sat in the rig and showed them the money! Something they always asked for when we told them to fill it up. Another new experience to add to the millions of wonderful new and exciting things we are putting on our lists.

Be sure to check out all the great photos we took while on this latest adventure at our
Picasa Web Albums.