Our tires only have a few years and under 20,000 miles on the one, the other was less than a year old and only a few thousand miles on it but it all needed to be done. They were not wearing correctly...

We thought we needed a front-end alignment, so we first got two new front tires from Good Year. We usually try to deal with Wal-Mart as often as we can because of their exceptional customer service ethics, but this time we are in an area where neither Wal-Mart worked on RV’s which also meant they could not even get the tires sent to there store. Apparently, if the warehouse where they get their stuff from does not carry an item, then they cannot have it delivered to the store location and the tires are not available in this area.
Which meant we had to deal directly with Good Year...

This was not the first time that we have had to do this and one of the reasons we buy the Good Year tires, because we can go to either place to have our tires taken care of…not so in this instance.
We ordered the tires from Good Year and they said they would be delivered on Friday and we would then come in on Saturday to have them put on and then we scheduled the front-end alignment elsewhere since they did not do that type of work. Luckily, we called before driving all the way to Durango, Colorado to have this done, because the tires did not arrive so they had to reorder them…another week went by and finally they did arrive. We scheduled the tires and then the alignment and arrived on time…they were not and even worse, they baulked about giving us a prorate on the tires we were taking off. Now, remember especially one of them had only a few thousand miles on it.
The customer service was so bad, he was not listening to us and tried to tell us that the tires we bought from Wal-Mart were actually a lower quality that Good Year gives to them. That is why the tires that they were going to put on, even though they were the exact same tires were more expensive because they were better quality.
How can this be?
Good Year makes less quality tires, with the same name brand, same type, same everything but because they give them to Wal-Mart to sell they are not the best? They charged us $70 per tire higher and then added on all sorts of charges until we were paying as much for 2 tires as we did for 4 of the same exact tires at Wal-Mart just a few years ago. We were desperate since we had no other choices in the immediate area, so we took notes and pictures of the tires and had them measure the thread so we can contact Good Year and find out what can we do about this. We will let you all know the outcome.
When we went to McNeal's for the front-end alignment...

We found out that Maggie has a slight disorder about her front end, it is not what is found in today’s front suspensions, instead it is something that is normally seen in vehicles from the 70's, she was born in 1992.

Not sure what exactly happened but we could not get her aligned. They suggested either to go to a place that works on frames and they may be able to adjust it, or, they could have put in coil springs but eventually that would have been a bad fix. They suggested for now to continue to rotate the tires so not to wear in one spot and we will get a longer life from them and that is what we plan to do.
If you are ever in need of any vehicle repair while in the Durango, Colorado area, be sure to look up Mike at McNeal's, located at 20447 Highway 160 W, 970-259-6472. They are what small towns are made of and so much more.
A day off a week just isn’t enough to do all we need to do, rest and then have some fun too. But now most of the stuff is done and the rig is almost ready for travel…we are not yet…since we do have 8 more weeks…but then…so much travel, adventure and fun. Hitch Itch is setting in…but it was a great drive from Mancos to Durango to Ignacio.