What began as close to a disastrous year for us personally had really shaped up and ended on a really high note. On recapping it, we are so surprised we even survived it at all, it took the most perseverance we have ever had to just get through it.
We worked New Years Eve preparing 7 different appetizers for 250 guests and we were exhausted. Got home at 11pm and barely made it to midnight but we rang in the new year together and went to bed shortly afterwards.
We thought we would begin our few days off by sleeping in but Mother Nature had other ideas. The wind began at 4am and with the new noises, new bouncing of the trailer we gave up getting anymore rest.
We are slowly getting our trailer together and personalized just for us and getting rid of a LOT of stuff, it’s beginning to look like home. It was amazing how heavy the shower doors were and replacing them allows us to use that weight for better things.
We are really hoping we enjoy pulling and setting up the trailer as we travel, if not we will keep it for at least a year and then trade in for our Class A…we’re thinking we are going to like the trailer…it feels like home and we love our truck.
The Café remains slow but the events will be in full swing for the next few months which will keep us busy. At the end of January we had another Dinner Show and worked a long day serving 220 people, but again it was a total success.