We Americans are losing this fight…our Fall gig that we have been doing for 6 years and have truly LOVED has been canceled for this stupidity…IT’S A FLU FOLKS…AND IF YOU THINK ITS NOT POLITICAL THEN JUST WAIT TO SEE WHAT HAPPENS WHEN THIS YEARS ELECTION IS OVER!
More people are losing their livelihoods…their lives…their everything at a much higher rate than the deaths from this virus…if you can even believe the numbers because they are all LIES! IT’S A FUCKING JOKE.
This week we went for our weekly shop at Walmart and they have issued a nationwide mask mandate, even though South Dakota does not have a mask mandate. The sad thing is we witnessed what to us is the worse, devastating effect it is having on the Americans. Before even entering we witnessed several loud disturbances between customers and workers with the workers being at blame. They were rude and VERY AUTHORITATIVE to all customers, acting like the Gestapo and causing even more anger and confusion. The rest of the people looked like sheep being led into the slaughter house on command, it was eerie and has left an emptiness inside our hearts.
While shopping we noticed people once again as we noticed at the start of this Pandemic, people avoiding one another, not just physically but not even looking at one another, and the worse part just being rude to one another. Then upon exiting there were people still being confrontational to each other and one woman even flipped me off because I was walking too slow.
None of this has been the normal for us the past few months since arriving in South Dakota, because this governor had not been mandating all the bull shit as other states and it had been tolerable to live. WE HAVE CHOSEN TO BOYCOTT ALL STORES AND PLACES THAT ARE MANDATING MASKS. There is absolutely NO proven results that masks are working, they feel it might be slowing the virus, and when that said mask is making us sick, we have the right to refuse to wear one.
We cannot emphasize enough about how serious this is for us to wear these masks, we can’t breathe, we get dizzy and just about faint, we gag, we cough, we get swollen and breakout in the area where the mask is on our faces. At work we must wear them so we do, but we are allowed to take them off as often as we are able too, but on our days off we don’t wear them at all and all those symptoms disappear.
The reality is we may get the virus, we also might pass the virus to others, we may die from it, or the better chance is we may survive it. But we are tired of living in fear of something that might happen, we are rebels, we are adventurous and we want to live the few short years we have left loving and living life to the fullest. Also in reality according to “the numbers”, we have a better chance of dying from a vehicle accident, or hundreds of other ways, but that has not put our lives on hold and this will not either for us.
Now there’s a cash shortage…seriously we are about to lose it…why aren’t people speaking up about all this stupidity…instead too many Americans are following along as if they have been brainwashed. Went to several stores and there were signs that stated “NO CASH BACK” or “EXACT CHANGE ONLY”…REALLY?
Erasing history will only cause people to have to repeat it until they get it right. Why not allow our history to stay intact and learn from it? If the many conversations and/or reactions of people from our pasts were spoken today, it would probably be a different tone. Back then we didn’t know any better, but now that we are able to see these situations in a different light, we are most likely to change our dialogues, but only if we are able to look back and see those mistakes. What the hell is wrong with everyone today, get a grip on life and understand we were not perfect, but we are learning from our pasts and are making a better future because of those mistakes.
The numbers are LIES...not just by over-inflating but also by claiming other viruses as this...there are hundreds of strains that have been around for years...also if a person ever tested positive for COVID-19 and dies of a heart attack or even a car accident, they are putting cause of death as the virus. THE NUMBERS ARE LIES...we as Americans must question everything due to crooked politicians and the outrageous media frenzy!
Friends of ours went to a clinic in New York to be tested but after a few hours in line, they left without taking the test, two days later they received a call that they both tested positive for COVID-19. Another good friend of ours was battling cancer and was losing his battle, he passed away and without hesitation they said his cause of death was the virus...HE WAS DYING OF CANCER! Another friend survived the virus and a month later had a heart attack at 60, but on his death certificate it stated COVID-19 as the cause of death. Maybe this is just a few but if this is happening to them, then how many others is this happening to?
Many states are recording positive testing but not the negatives which makes numbers totally lopsided.
How can several athletes test positive one day, then a few days later test negative several times?
Doesn’t anybody else see the destruction that all these lies are causing? It is not the virus that is killing Americans, it is the lies, the injustice, the dividing of our Country by these crooked politicians and media frenzy. It’s time we all as Americans stand tall and refuse to follow along like obedient children with no minds of our own. We need to question everything! This has to stop before we all lose our rights, our choices and our land of the free.
For all you who believe that masks are the cure or a slow down technique, here is a statistic that is not going viral, why, because it is good news NOT doing what many of you are shoving down our throats. South Dakota does not have mask mandates and there are thousands and we mean thousands of new visitors coming through daily since Memorial Weekend just in our area, some wearing, but many not wearing them. This official chart shows no spikes in cases...hmmmm...ONCE AGAIN MEDIA FRENZY HAS LED YOU ALL TO BELIEVE SOMETHING THAT ISN’T TRUE BUT YOU ALL CONTINUE TO OBEDIENTLY WEAR YOUR MASKS BECAUSE THEY TELL YOU TO...when will you all wise up and understand they are trying to divide and conquer us all! This is a political ploy...stop allowing them to take control of our rights that so many before us fought to death to keep us free!