We have not been adventuring out much due to several
reasons, mostly because we are both having issues with the altitude and other irritating issues.
Its been a terrible struggle just doing nothing in this
altitude but to top it off I did something to my heal, which may be Plantar
Fascia but for those who know us, we do not do doctors so this is a self-diagnosis
and is very painful but for the past week has been improving with all the treatments we have been finding to take care of it.
Then, our allergies have been absolutely outrageous. For
the past few days, I have been dealing with this over the top swollen, itchy
and watery eyes symptoms that have made it hard for me to even see, let alone
function at my best.
Not so long ago, we always said how lucky we were that we never
got sick, but now it seems we are magnets for all sorts of things happening. We
are so ready to get off this mountain and go back to those days of not ever
being sick. SOON…we are down to just a few over 40 days before we head out.
Thank goodness we are enjoying our work here, otherwise we would be
totally miserable. Our work weeks go by quickly since this is an extremely busy
time here. We have realized though working here with 90% cabins and only a few
RV sites that there is a huge difference between cabin people and RV people,
just like the difference with hotel people we encounter while doing our other
work. I am working on an article that I will publish regarding these
differences. It has been a very enlightening experience for us.
For now, we just wanted to let you all know that we are still
here and doing well for the most part. Next week we are hoping to put some travel and sight seeing into our schedule and of course that is all subject to how we are both feeling.