It seems ever since that tornado in Lakeland, I have not been able to sleep if it is raining or even any threat of rain. Not storms remind you…just drizzling or any sort of rain.
I fear floods…you would not believe how many places, including campgrounds that we have seen lately in our travels that have been totally underwater.
I fear the wind…the places we have personally witnessed where the damage from these winds has been terribly harmful.
Why are many campgrounds/RV Parks out in the middle of nowhere? Lately, I have been preferring the ones that are located right smack in the middle of any city where I can see outside and see something, not total darkness.
I fear the darkness…that many of these campgrounds lately have to offer. There was a time in my life that I loved the idea of the quietness of the pitch blackness of the night, now it just gives me something more to fear.
If I can see it, I seem to be ok with it, but if I look out my window and can’t even see a few feet from our RV, then it is way too dark.
So why is it lately that most of the storms have been arriving in the area we are in between the wee hours of 2 and 4 a.m.? Will I ever be able to hear the sound of rain on our tin roof in the middle of the night and not immediately spring out of bed and turn on my computer for a weather update? So many thoughts rush through my head while I am waiting for the latest radar to load up and all I can think about is all the bad things that could happen. It used to be a lullaby that lulled me off to sleep, now it just provokes thoughts that I can’t seem to control.
What is it that I need to do to feel safe? I need to be able to look out and see the storm, the rain and the wind…that is it! Stay in a place where it is well lit, where I can look out at any time and see what is happening and then I will be better. That’s a start and here is another thought.
We are so susceptible to the drama, so we stopped watching any news due to the negative effect it always has on us. Watching the weather has always been something we do because of our travels, well lately the Weather Channel has been worse than a news channel. All the bad news and drama sucked me in once again and the fear once again began to settle into me. I will find another means to check the weather from now on because all the bad news puts a fear into me that I just can’t shake and I really do not enjoy living my life with all that fear.
I will begin meditation again to get myself and then keep myself grounded. Yes, bad things happen, that is just a part of life, a person can be prepared without going into the deep end and drown in all the drama. It is a fine line for me and the past few weeks, I crossed it and went to the other side. The side that puts an ugly fear deep inside of me that gives me no hope but instead fills my heart and soul with fear. Today is a new beginning and I will work all day long on not allowing the fear to take over my life. Instead I will live each moment with the gratefulness of having all the great things that we have and allow them all to play a part in my life today, this moment, living it to it’s fullest and enjoying it all for what it has to offer.