
Sunday, April 08, 2012

Something Besides the Challenge

We arrived in Kanab, Utah on Sunday, April 1st and began work the next day, the same day the challenge began.  Needless to say that means we have to keep focused in order to learn all we need to learn in our new jobs and at the same time keep up with the challenge.  So far, we have learned a lot and have kept up with our writing too!

We are working at Hollywood Movie Land (it has been renamed and this is the new official name).  It is a museum, gift shop, photography, they do cowboy skits, and the bus tours get fed a meal.  We have nothing to do with the food area, it is a separate entity from the museum, gift shop and photography where we are working. 

Our first week entailed a lot of maintenance, inventory, working the gift shop and learning the photography side of the business.  Jerry and I are fitting right into the group and it has been interesting and looks as if it will remain quite exciting.

They provide us with a full hook up site, which is located about 9 blocks away from the store, so we are riding our bikes into work daily.  Some days have been windy and cold but we have found a way to make it work for us.  We are still undecided about getting a tow vehicle and it really feels good to ride our bikes once again.  Hopefully we can get healthier by doing this and not get a tow vehicle.  Sure, we can get one and still ride our bikes into work, but really…do you really think we will?  NOT!

Our days off will be Sunday and Monday and beginning in a few weeks we will be venturing out and visiting the places we have talked about, Bryce Canyon, Zion, North Rim of the Grand Canyon, Grand Staircase EscalanteRed Canyon, ATV trails at the Coral Pink Sand Dunes and so much more.

Many of you may know that our first year full time traveling we worked up at the North Rim of the Grand Canyon and took thousands of photos of all of our adventures.  Unfortunately, since we just got a new laptop, we did not backup any of it so we lost most of them when there was a manufacture malfunction and it crashed.  We did salvage a few that we put out on our Shutterfly photo account but there were not many in comparative to what we took.  The good news is…we will now be able to replace all those photos and so many more.

We have received many recommendations of places for us to visit while we are in the area, so feel free to let us know your favorite place in this area and we will put it on our long list of places to see.  Small town living will be nice for the next few months.

For more photos, check out our Picasa Web Albums.


  1. Good to see someone else blogging on our day off from the Challenge! Also used mine to catch up. Have a great Easter! :)

  2. If you haven't been there, I would recommend Lake Powell and Glen Canyon Recreation Area and the dam. Go before it gets too hot, though! Good luck with your new jobs!

  3. I'm glad you have found a position that you are enjoying.

  4. You are going to have such a wonderful time exploring that beautiful area. I don't care where you go, it is all so gorgeous.

  5. First off, thanks for your encouraging words earlier today, they were so appreciative. Your jobs sound fun. Karen (Fabgrandma) works at the North Rim of the Grand Canyon...who knows maybe you will connect. Have fun and we look forward to seeing your pictures.

  6. I have to agree with Sandie. You're in a great area and you'll be so busy just enjoying the beauty of the area you're in. What a backyard you have!!

  7. It looks amazing- hope the cycling doesn't get too uncomfortable, it's such a lovely way to travel! :-)


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