
Monday, April 09, 2012

H - Houston Quilt Show

We worked with Scootaround at this show back a few years and we were hooked on working with this company.  The work is not hard and it is very short term, just the way we like it.  We have worked at so many different types of jobs in these past 8 years, but by far, working for Scootaround is at the top of our list.

The Houston Quilt Show was a new and different experience for us.  We are not quilt people but this show and others we have attended since has showed us that we do not have to be into quilts to enjoy it.  The quilt displays are artwork and just viewing some of them is breathtaking.

The event is usually held in the fall at the end of October, early November at the George R Brown Convention Center in Houston, Texas.  If you are a quilter, then you know about it since it is one of the biggest shows.

For more photos, check out our Picasa Web Albums.


  1. You're amazing with this A to Z challenge. Can't wait to see what you have for "Z". :c)

  2. Wow! Those quilts look awesome.

    Coming here from the A-Z challenge. Hi! :)

  3. Work that is short and easy is definitely the kind I would like these days:)

  4. lovely post
    do check out my letters at GAC a-z

  5. Hi...I'm hopping over from the A to Z challenge. Lovely blog...good luck with the challenge!

    Donna L Martin


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