
Saturday, April 07, 2012

G – Gooseberry Falls State Park

Gooseberry Falls State Park is part of the North Shore Drive we took while we were in Minnesota.  It is a fabulous drive that we thought we could accomplish all on one of our two days off visits.  We soon realized on our first trip that it would not be possible to complete it all in one visit.  It actually took a few separate visits. 

Our first visit we stopped and looked in amazement at the Gooseberry Falls State Park and took in the wonderful area.  The drive alone is spectacular, than there are so many different places to stop and check out along the way.

On that same trip we went as far as Split Rock LighthouseState Park where we spent hours listening to a very informative gentleman who was at the lighthouse the night the S. S. Edmond Fitzgerald went down and we were in awe hearing all of his stories.

One of our next visits we made a stop at the TemperanceRiver State Park where we stopped and viewed the area. 

Then drove to Judge Magney State Park where you will find Devil’s Kettle.  This is a long walk through some rough terrain, including hundreds of stairs.  Even though we were not appropriately dressed or prepared, it was worth it.

We made it to the Devil’s Kettle where tons of water goes into this hole to where it comes out is still a mystery.  This is a fascinating gem of a place to do some exploring, but bring your hiking shoes and extra water.

On our last visit there, we made it to the end and stayed at the Grand Portage Casino overnight before getting an early start the next morning and checked out the falls at the Grand Portage State Park

These stops that we did are just a few of the many other interesting sights along the way to visit.  Many of the tourist books suggest doing this all in a day, but we absolutely feel it cannot all be totally absorbed in just one visit.  The views are breathtaking and if you are a hiker, you will want to do several hikes along the way.  So if you plan to make this drive, give yourself at least a week to fully enjoy all it has to offer.

For more photos, check out our Picasa Web Albums.  Our photos are listed by the date we were there, so you will have to go to May of 2006.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful pictures of the waterfalls.One of the joys with full timing is enjoying a place in a less rushed manner.


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