
Wednesday, April 18, 2012

P - Pacific Coast Drive

This was one of the big ones for us!  It had been on my life list for so many years and accomplishing it was an exciting time, not just because it is a spectacular view but also because we feel we are crossing things off our list that we never imagined we would ever do together.

The fog was thick many of the mornings, so thick that we missed a lot of the wonderful scenery but we were able to see some fabulous areas that were breathtaking.

We took our time meandering up the coast and then back down again, the things we missed going up, we completed on our way back south.

Jerry was familiar with these signs, but I had no idea this could even happen so it was a bit unnerving for me to be in an area that if we felt an earthquake we were to head out of there immediately.  Needless to say there were a few sleepless nights.

This was definitely one of those times where the actual driving of this long awaited dream was even better than the anticipation of the drive.  It was wonderful and we would highly recommend it to everyone.  We would advise not to put in too many miles per day, take the time and explore all the many gems along the drive.

For more photos, check out our Picasa Web Albums.


  1. Isn't it wonderful when dreams come true!! So glad you all were able to accomplish this dream together and thanks so much for sharing those beautiful pics with us!!

  2. Spectacular! We are so happy that you could experience such a wonderful place together.

  3. Thank you so much for this post. Brings back so many memories. When Rich and I traveled west together in our motorhome, our real destination was always the Oregon Coast. That was for several reason--he always wanted to return to the radar site he was station at when he was in the service. Total trips we probably spent several weeks exploring nooks and crannys. I went back by myself in my little trailer in 2010. Two of my children came out to visit, and I was happy to be able to show them where their Dad wandered in his youth. I had expected to head out there, again, twice now, to explore by myself but first my pup, Jack, got sick in 2011, and now I'm laid up with a bad back, and we're both getting on in age. I'm very disappointed, but reading about other people's travels to this area helps. Thanks for the post. Beautiful description and pictures.

  4. It's a spectacular drive!

  5. Beautiful pics!

    Dana, via the A to Z Challenge

  6. Stunning photos. I've never seen a Tsunami Sign before this.
    A to Z

  7. Stunning pictures! The last is beautiful!
    A to Z


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