
Tuesday, April 17, 2012

O - Outer Banks of North Carolina

One of our favorite places we have ever spent any time and worked has to be the Outer Banks of North Carolina.  Yes, we were on a sandbar, but it was so laid back and just a great place to spend a summer.  I was in flip-flop heaven.

It was not at all planned.  We were in the middle of fulfilling our dream at the NASCAR tracks when things once again took an ugly turn.  When we left Martinsville Speedway with little money and no prospect for employment with the next NASCAR track we were unsure of our next move. 

We were frightened and whenever I get scared the best thing for me to do is breathe and meditate…which I did!  During meditation, I got the feeling we needed to head to the ocean.  Water always calms me and helps me to reconnect to my life.  Jerry thought I had lost my mind but he has witnessed this in me so many times that he knew we would be alright.

We found work at Camp Hatteras RV Resort, Jerry was in maintenance and I worked the front desk and we had the best summer ever.  We met friends that we continue to stay in contact with and now every job we work, we compare it to this one.  Jeanette has been managing this resort for over 20 years and she has a knack of making each and every one of us feel special, treating all people fair. 

This was one of those moments in our lives that we just went with the flow and it turned out to be one of the greatest moments in our lives.  Now if we can just learn to do this every other moment of our lives, everything would work out great for us.

For more photos, check out our Picasa Web Albums and don't forget to check out how the other bloggers in the A to Z Challenge are doing.


  1. I'm heading back to the OBX late summer and early fall. It is a neat place.

  2. We have never been to the Outer Banks. I think it will make its way to our "to see" list. Thanks for sharing.
    When we trust things always work out!! Good story!!


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