
Thursday, April 19, 2012

Q - Quartzsite, Arizona

Every RVer needs to check it out at least once; we have been there several times and always know that we can find work when we arrive.

This town is desolate, except for December through February, with January being the prime , busy month.  If you need something for your RV, you will find it there and if you can’t find it there, you really do not need it.

We have been there several times and each time we find a different experience.  We have stayed in a few of the parks and we have dry camped on BLM land, both having their own perks about them.

It is the ideal place to meet up with groups, friends, bloggers and even family.  The weather is usually fair, with some days windy and possibly rain…not very often but it can happen.

As anything in life, it’s not for everyone, but we believe that every RVer should check it out at least once.

For more photos, check out our Picasa Web Albums and be sure to check how the other bloggers in the A to Z Challenge are doing.

1 comment:

  1. I agree in that every RVer needs to go at least once in January.


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