
Tuesday, April 10, 2012

I - Independent Contractors

Many folks that travel full time and work call themselves Workampers; they even have a website and magazine for it.  We prefer to use the term of independent contractors.  We typically prefer to work short term jobs, such as weekends, a week or less than a month at any particular place before moving onto our next adventure.  There are also times when we do choose to work somewhere for longer periods of time and on our days off we enjoy the area.

We are very proactive in how we find work and we always negotiate all of our terms.  Our experience level has reached an all-time high, but we still learn something new with each new job.  Many people feel as we did when we first began living this lifestyle that we did not have the experience for many of the jobs they were offering, but we soon found out just how wrong we were. 

To manage any business, a campground, gift store, or a vendor, all we need to know is how to run a successful business, which we do.  Most of the positions in this lifestyle are customer oriented which we feel we have great customer service ethics.  Not everyone does and we have met many who say they have it but within minutes it is obvious they just do not like people.  But for most folks, the experience they had in their stationary lives can continue into this lifestyle by just being open to new ideas.

Since we became full time travelers we have held positions in management, not just of campgrounds but seasonal businesses as well.  We have been cooks and bakers at a dude ranch and at vendor booths at different types of shows.  We have worked several types of positions at NASCAR events; we have been ticket takers, security, tram and shuttle drivers, and even worked as souvenir sellers.  We are always open to new experiences and love doing new things.

We tell folks all the time that they just need to believe in their own abilities and remember when you begin a job that you will only be there for a few months and the owner will be there a lot longer, so be flexible and do it their way…even when you think your way is better!

For more photos, check out our Picasa Web Albums and also the other challengers at the A to Z Challenge.


  1. You both are such an inspiration. You are the poster children for what makes America great!

    And to think you have such fun doing it. :c)

  2. Great Post. I think I'll share it!

  3. wow! sounds like you guys live such a flexible and adventurous life!
    Happy A-Zing!

  4. I, too, consider us independent contractors vs. workampers, feeling that our situation is more the former simply related to our current situation. You guys sure get some variety! :)

  5. I love what you're doing. Before getting married, I backpacked round Asia and Africa for a couple of years. Then marriage, adopted kids...and we're looking forward to hitting the road again when they leave home!
    Rhia from Five Minute Piece for Inspiration (about #802 on A to Z list).

  6. As a NASCAR fan it is my hope to one day visit all of the tracks as you guys have. I have only been to Daytona, Talladega, Texas Motor Speedway and Atlanta.

    Sounds like a lot of fun traveling in an RV. Do you ever just get a motel room fora break?

  7. Doing your taxes each year with all of the state income taxes must be a real adventure!

  8. Such an interesting lifestyle! Love the idea of RVing. :-)

  9. I have often said that I only worked to feed my travel addiction. At 70, that is still true except I travel much more now.
    Thanks for my blog follow. I appreciate it.


  10. Sounds like a great lifestyle! I'm trying to visit all the A-Z Challenge Blogs this month.

  11. We have done several work camping positions at campgrounds during past summers but we can't work camp in the winter as Canada is just too cold to do that and unfortunately we can't get a position in the States because we are from Canada. If we work hard in the summer, me at the campground and Kevin working in town we have been able to have winters off. In fact we live so inexpensively that we didn't work last summer and are hoping that we don't have to this summer either. Working the summer in one spot is hard for us though, we start to get hitchitch!

    Kevin and Ruth


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