
Thursday, April 07, 2011

Leaving the South…BRRRRRRRR!

We made it through the storm that crossed the country with vengeance. We were in a hotel in Perry, Georgia and it hit us around 1:40 a.m. The winds began to howl under the door to our room and because of the fresh wounds from the last tornado we experienced, we, (actually Jerry did not have a choice) but we spent about an hour in the bathroom with our computer watching it pass. Lots of wind, lots of sideway rain, little thunder and lightening and then it was over. It continued to rain and thunder for the next few hours, which was great sleeping weather. The red blob had moved on, there was no more fear left in me and I slept so soundly.

Because we drove such a short distance the second day due to the storm approaching, we had more miles to travel on Tuesday then we usually drive in a day. The wind was strong and the motorhome was being tossed everywhere because many of the truckers lost a day of driving and were all in a big hurry. We usually do between 55 and 60, so they were passing us constantly, causing a rocking motion for me in the motorhome, but the Penske didn‘t feel it as much. The traffic was the heaviest we had seen in such a long, but we made it safely to our next destination…Renfro Valley, Kentucky.

It was apparent that the storm hit very hard in several places along our path, there were trees down, power outages and buildings damaged. The storm also left a cold front behind and the temperatures dipped way down to freezing, something we have not felt in awhile and we do not like it. But, after all, we are a lot more northern then we have been in a long time.

We arrived at the Duke Energy Convention Center in Cincinnati, Ohio preparing to work the Quilt Show renting scooters for Scootaround and we will let you all know how that goes…so far we are finding very friendly and accommodating folks here in this downtown metropolis.


  1. So glad you guys are ok. Weather can be pretty scary,huh? Stay safe.


  2. Glad to see everyone get through those storms!
    We head out May 1st and will be our first time facing mother nature without a S&B to go home to!

  3. So glad you are okay. Looking forward to hearing how the scooter rentals go...we have talked and think we might be interested in doing something like know planning and thinking about the future.

    Have fun and stay safe.

  4. Glad you made it through the storms alright. Paducah has the large quilt shows. We were there last year while they were going on and there must have been a million people in that town.


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