
Monday, April 04, 2011

What a Huge Scare

In an instant, life sends you something that changes your life forever. That moment happened to us a few days ago. It was like any other day working the Scootaround tent, the clouds were there and it was raining off and on as it had for all the prior days while we were there. There was no warning…only a loud voice of a wonderful lady in the International Welcome tent across from us. She firmly spoke and warned everyone within earshot to run as fast as possible to the building and take cover.

When I looked up…the skies were green! The last time I seen skies like that there was a tornado nearby. And, even though we could not see one, we knew it was there.

Jerry had just left the booth to get us lunch so I called him immediately to return and he had already seen the skies and was heading back.

The building was only about 150 yards away, but the wind and rain made that run the scariest and longest run we have ever done. It felt as if every step we took, the wind knocked us three steps in the opposite direction. The good news is that we all made it safely to the building….what seemed like hours later, we were given the all clear. As we stepped out the devastation was all around us, there were tents down, including ours. We headed to our tent and began to grab some of the important things, like my computer, camera, and the contracts. And, then just a few moments later, we were again instructed to take cover…once again we ran to the building and waited for the all clear…again, it felt like hours.

We did salvage the contracts, they were wet but before leaving our tent I threw all sorts of heavy stuff on top of them so they were fine. I had crammed my computer and camera into my backpack but I forgot to grab it when we took off running, so they did get wet but we still had them. It took a few days to dry them all out and I did have to purchase a new cord for my computer but we are so grateful but still very frightened at any sign of bad weather.

We will eventually get over this fear but for now we are having to console it anyway we can. With all the big hype about this major storm threat right in the path of our travels, we decided to honker down and get a hotel for the night since it is suppose to hit the hardest around 2am…

Please stay safe!


  1. WOW, that is so scarey! I'm glad you are both okay, and that you didn't lose your computer or camera. I've never been in bad weather, only earthquakes (and no bad ones). I'll bet you'll be looking up for a while. A motel room must sound really good about now. :)

  2. The most important thing is that the two of you are safe. Everything else can be replaced. Spending a night in a hotel sounds like a good move. Hopefully you were able to get some sleep. It sounds like the experience has really shaken you, but hopefully you can move past it soon. It's yet another reminder that nothing in this life can be taken for granted. Breathe deeply and stay safe!

  3. I am so glad to hear that you and Jerry are safe, Kimberly. That is an experience that I hope you don't have to repeat. I think you are smart to give yourselves a night in a motel.

  4. You are so right that life can send you something to change you forever. My brother experienced this through his brother-in-law who was recently killed in a head-on car accident. He's a changed man because he says he never wants to leave people with any anger because there really is a chance you may never see them again. How sad to learn a lesson like this. Be safe!

  5. I just pulled in my slides, and may be leaving soon for a more concrete building. Bad storms here too. It is scary!!

  6. ooooh...tornadoes freak me smooth out! SO glad you are both ok!

  7. Glad all is well. We have had terrible storms here in Lake City this morning too. Weather radio was going off all night. Stay safe.

  8. Glad it was not worse and no one was hurt. We missed the worst of it here in the western panhandle. Having lived in Oklahoma City for four years, I have a deep respect for what severe weather can do.


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