
Monday, April 11, 2011

Working the Cincinnati Quilt Show

Saved about 200 miles for our last day since we needed to get to Duke Energy Convention Center in Cincinnati, Ohio at a decent time so we could unload the scooters.

Thank goodness the Penske truck picked an opportune moment to have issues. We had to get into this extra long line to get to the docks to unload. We turned off the motor while we sat and when we tried to get it restarted, it chose not to start. The convention personnel were so accommodating and allowed us to unload where we were while waiting for the mechanic. It was not as convenient and took us a lot longer since we were on the opposite side of where we were suppose to have the scooters set up, but we were able to work it all out. Turned out the starter got stuck, and once the mechanic hammered it loose, we were able to move the truck, by then we were unloaded and set up.

The parking for both vehicles almost became an issue too but as with everything in life, if you choose to just handle it respectfully, then the outcome is usually satisfactory, as was in this case.

The show hours were not really long and we met a bunch of great people. Because we are staying at the Millennium Hotel right next to the convention center and have to eat out every night, we are tasting many of the local cuisines.

We found one in particular to not be to our likings, and that would be the Skyline Chili Dog...

The chili has a cinnamon taste to it that just didn’t taste all that great to us. Unfortunately, all our other eats left little to brag about, we encountered bad service, blah tasting foods and nothing special everywhere we went. The only meal we could say anything good about would be our pizza delivery from Papa John’s, it has been a long time since we ate pizza that tasted this scrumptious, especially from Papa John‘s!

This is one of the smaller Quilt Shows and since we are really not into quilting, a bit boring for us. There were some amazing quilts that we seen that takes a magical hand to create. Many years ago, I, too had a magical hand for quilting, but have since lost all of my magic, as well as my interest in it.


  1. Even with bad food and truck, sounds like things are going well.

  2. Last I looked you were in Florida. Before that we were missing you in Arizona. Now you're in Ohio. You folks sure get all over the place!!

  3. We love skyline chili. We get our on spagetti though, not the hot dog. Was my late brother's favorite.

  4. I would have been in hog heaven at that quilt show! I haven't been to a quilt show in about 4 years, and I miss them. Mostly because I could actually touch the fabric before I bought it.


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