
Sunday, June 07, 2020

“I just want to be happy”

So many people ask for happiness, but happiness is not something anybody can give you, it is not something you can buy, it is not a wish come true or not even a gift from God.

Happiness is something you CHOOSE.

There are people with so much less than you have that are so happy. Then there are so many people who have so much more than you have that are NOT happy either.

The good news is that YOU and only YOU can make yourself happy. It’s about finding the good, the positive in EVERYTHING you deal with daily. Even in the worse case scenario, you will have to dig deep but if you choose to find happiness in any situation, you will.

It’s not a one time thing, it’s a daily, even by the moment CHOICE you make to be happy.

Some folks will take this as great news, because you are in control of your own destiny. Others will take this as a burden and never find true happiness. The CHOICE is always YOURS…so CHOOSE to be happy.


  1. More words of wisdom. Thank you, Kimberly!

  2. Can you tell us about a typical day at your job? My husband and I want to workamp in the future.
    Thank you


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