
Tuesday, June 09, 2020

Feeling the Pain

Even though it is fun work, our bodies are feeling the pain. Probably due to being on our feet on the concrete all day, we do have pads but our ankles, knees and backs are barking at us. Instead of going anywhere this week on our two days off, we chose to hang out and do some more thorough cleaning to get all the desert dust out of Maggie…only the upper TV area left. Funny that even though she’s small, when it comes to thorough cleaning it is much harder to clear out and totally get into all the cracks because of course everything has its place and when we have to totally empty a space to clean it then there is stuff everywhere! It is done and the little left we have will have to wait since we have exciting plans for our next week time off.

Another pain we are feeling is in our hearts for all the disruptions that America is dealing with this year so far. The latest is all the rioting…violence never solves anything. To a certain point, we both grew up with racist families, but at a young age we both chose not to feed into that crap.  We do not see people’s color, race, religion, or sex preference, but instead we see them for who they are and not put them into a category. Change has to start somewhere. Applications and other paperwork needs to STOP requiring those answers. Don’t try to hide behind the need to keep the differences logged for any reason, the only box checked should be “human being”. This crap has gone on long enough, it’s time we all take a stand and understand ALL LIVES MATTER and stop all the injustice on one another. You do the crime, you do the time. Just because you have more money or are a certain color or for any other category it should all be due justice served.

We are doing our best to get back to living our lives to the fullest without all this craziness all around us. We all need to start acting from the heart and not our own ain’t easy but change begins within ourselves and we continue to be part of the change!.

Weather is still strange around here…lots of storms, lots of wind, not too hot and not too cold…we were even blessed to experience this beautiful rainbow one day on our break at work. Life is really great for us right now and we are absorbing it all in and having the time of our lives.

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