
Sunday, April 12, 2020

What a Ride It’s Been...

Time is flying and then again it’s creeping, not sure if that makes sense to you all, but that is exactly how we are feeling…

We left less than a month ago and now we are back in Mesa, safe and sound and wondering WTF happened. We had high hopes and dreams and they are all deflated. Feeling as if life took a turn that nobody could have predicted, but for us it has put us in a tailspin that we need to recover quickly, or we’re going to lose what sanity we have left, which isn’t much.

Driving over 2,000 miles in just a few weeks is not uncommon for us, but this was not planned and every thing in our lives at this moment is up in the air right now, so we are just trying to adjust ourselves and stay focused on all our blessings. We are not alone, many folks lives have been turned upside down, but we have an advantage…having our lives turned upside down and losing it all is NOT a new thing, it happens to us all the time and Jerry and I together will get through this AND come out the other side stronger than ever before.

So, if you’re feeling hopeless or that your life is out of control, please breathe, take some deep breaths and allow all your negativity to release. Talk it out, laugh it out, and if need be, cry it out, please do not allow it to consume you. This too shall pass…it always does. This is the time to work on YOU, to work on all the things that you’ve been putting off, to just be.

That is exactly what we will be doing, and also do some Jyving, because we do need to replenish our funds since this last travel adventure drained what little we had, but as said previously, we will be just fine. We are now adding assembly to our resume with Jyve…this is a perfect opportunity at this time since we put together bikes mostly but also other items at Walmart’s. The assembly is done in the back or in the Garden Center away from customers. We are truly enjoying this part of our Jyving experience.

It feels great to be back in the warmth, but our allergies are totally whacky again, so I will be doing my antihistamine regularly again. The temperatures are still agreeable, so we will just enjoy this for now and not worry about the rest of it because it will all take care of itself.

We hope through these trying times everyone stays focused on the good that is all around us, the media is having a frenzy right now and all their news is about the bad, but we are focused on all the greatness that is coming out of this entire situation. Not just personally but from others kindness and generosity towards others, it’s so heartwarming hearing all the wonderful stories. We shall rise up and become better than we ever imagined was possible because we have faith. Faith in humankind that we will all do what is right during and after these challenging times. 

Life is exactly what we make of it, no matter what cards we are dealt, if we focus on the good and count our blessings then there can be no demons that can destroy us. Life is precious, we have the opportunity to treat it as such by keeping ourselves safe and at a distance from others right now. Social distancing is probably the easiest thing for us at this moment, but we continue to work at stocking shelves and now assembling bikes since currently they are in high demand. But, we are doing it all smart, we have never washed our hands, cleaned with so much bleach, sprayed so much Lysol, used so much hand sanitizer in our entire lives, but if it keeps the danger away then we will continue and we hope others are being safe too.

The challenges continue…they have now shutdown our Thousand Trails memberships from any incoming reservations and we are stuck. We are currently at a park but according to our membership, we have to be out a week then back in for two and that can go on forever, but now if we leave we can’t come back…

We left today and will not be able to return until May 1st, well at least that is the current plan. We chose to leave because they charge $80+ per night, but because we are Thousand Trail members they will discount it 20%...STILL WAY TOO HIGH for our budget.

On the subject of all this craziness, let us just share our thoughts, and let us confirm that we don’t listen to the media crap, we get ALL our information from the sources. We feel some if not most of this has been blown way out of proportion by the media and the politicians. The numbers don’t lie…through March 2020 there have been less deaths overall in the USA for the past 4 years, AND much less than flu deaths in the same timing. There are so many other stats from the real sources, not the media, not the politicians and not from the NEWS stations that are confirming these stats, but nobody is reporting them…THIS IS NUTS and we just want this all to end!

Everything at this point is up in the air, where we go from here next week, next month, or for the summer. We are just trying to stay sane, not feed into all the drama and enjoy the current moments. We know we will get through this, we just want to get through it now…enough already!


  1. It is madness but here is another way of getting numbers. It's the Johns Hopkins site that covers it Globally. If you want to see by the state you can also do that .
    Adding new skills to your resume is a good thing and a positive outlook another.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

  2. I love South Dakota. Congratulations on your new job. I can’t wait to hear all about it.


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