
Sunday, April 19, 2020

Uncertain Times

Will this ever end and did it really have to happen? 

The debates continue and are still going rapid in our country, all we know is what we feel in our hearts and guts. This has been a media and political experience that has brought out the worse in them, while us, the citizens are paying for dearly. We are losing our livelihoods, while they are still living in their mansions and collecting their paychecks. For them, they might not be able to buy that newest car, or home, or newest toy, but for us without the income coming in, we lose it all, our homes, no food and of course our sanity the longer this goes on.


Depending on which news channel or social media you watch, the situation is entirely on opposite sides. Facts or fake news are so distorted that most citizens don’t know which to believe. We have stood strong on only listening to the facts from the few legitimate sources, but we have also found ourselves swept up in the chaos they have created.

Nobody is posting the factual numbers of deaths that are happening in the United States during this all, those numbers have been published for days, but nobody is willing to accept them because they are not disastrous. These numbers are stating that the total death toll in the US through March of 2020 is down from the past 4 years, and this virus has killed less than the flu usually does during this time frame. Has anyone seen these facts go viral in the media? There has not been any posts either on the survival rate of this virus is at 97%, with 396,000 cases reported and reported deaths at 13,000 is outstandingly positive news. So why is this not swarming the media?

Please understand that we are not ignoring all of this, after all we are out in the public stocking shelves and building bikes, so we are taking precautions by washing our hands a lot, plenty of disinfectant, and keeping our distance from others as much as possible. Something we have always done and we are not playing in to all the chaos and drama. We are also very grateful that we are in the state of Arizona where all the drama is not playing out, they are being sensible but not causing a chaotic environment and their numbers are outstanding. 

Whenever we post any good stats, the absolutely rude and obnoxious comments dig so deep that we just end up deleting and blocking them. We don’t have the desire nor strength to continue fighting them off. We just want others to truly understand and STOP saying, we are in this together. We are not, we are all in this in our own way, not like everyone else. Please do not tell us you understand because you are going through it too. Your journey is different, you are not walking in our shoes. You have your own journey and it will not be as easy or as hard as ours will be, it will be totally different. Some of us are able to think of this as a vacation, while others are barely holding on. Everyone needs to reach deep inside and find all the compassion from within so we do not judge others for their choices. We do not know what led them to make that choice, it could be their only way out of a terrible situation. And, just because you would not choose that way, doesn’t mean you are right and they are wrong. We are all doing the best we can with what we have in our personal arsenal to use. Stop judging…stop assuming you have all the right answers…stop thinking everyone is on the same trip as you are…stop condemning others for doing what they need to do to survive this madness. You are not the owner of my destiny or anyone else’s but your own, so stop thinking you are rightfully justified to judge me.

Our summer plans are still up in the air but we are able to continue with our Jyving until something comes up. It is heating up here so we hope it doesn’t take much more time before we find a cooler place to hang out for the summer. We hope you are all doing well through these uncertain times and we are hopeful that this too shall pass.

1 comment:

  1. You are right that everyone's situations are different and all we can do is wish that we all come out of this horrible disease unscathed.
    Be Safe and Enjoy what you can.

    It's about time.


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