
Sunday, February 09, 2020

Mostly Work…Some Play

We watched the Super Bowl, even though neither of our teams were there, and both the teams that were are not even on our top 10 favorite list, but we watched anyway for the commercials and halftime show. We were so disappointed in both. 

The halftime show was more like a striptease show, pole included. For two woman with such fantastic voices, why do they think they needed to degrade themselves so badly, especially in front of their daughters? 

As for the commercials…most were so emotional and lame, but there were a few good ones...

Our favorite was the NASCAR one…What Super Bowl means to a NASCAR fan…2 weeks...So it begins...

We went to Olive Garden for the “Never Ending Stuffed Pastas” and we were both a bit disappointed. The salad and breadsticks were awesome as usual, but there were only three choices of stuffed pasta. The stuffed ravioli and shells were tasty, the sauces were amazing, but the Zita Fritta was terrible.

We did a PepWear event on Saturday, but nothing like the ones we do in the Fall. This was a small event with only Jerry and I setting up, working it, then tearing down all within a few hours. The setup is not elaborate, just a few tables with shirts, plaques and accessories to sell. We surpassed our goal by a bunch, so a bonus will be applied…YEAH! 

This is our ride for these two PepWear events since we have to carry around the setup, another small event next Saturday and we also begin Spring Training, so it should be interesting.

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