
Sunday, February 02, 2020

It’s Going to Get Really Busy Here Soon

Does it feel every time you hurt yourself the pain gets stronger and lasts so much longer than when you were younger? Guess that comes with age, let me tell you…growing old is not for the weak!

We did yet another road trip up to Lakeside-Pinetop to work a Jyve at Safeway, this time it was frigid and snow flurries but no accumulation…thank goodness. It will probably be our last Jyve for awhile since we have a few PepWear events and the Spring Training work coming up, but it’s been fun!

Temperatures in Mesa have been exceptionally wonderful, highs mid 70’s and lows in the 40’s makes for great sleeping weather. We know it’s going to get hotter here as each month approaches and we have yet to find any work for the summer, but we have our feelers out.

We seen a strange vehicle yesterday, actually about six of them, so we looked them up and found out they are our future. Waymo was on the side of these vehicles, so we googled it and this is what we found…INTERESTING, this is our future! Check out their website for all their information.

We did our training at Spring Training in Surprise, Arizona and found it interesting. Our manager, Danny is a very intuitive man who knows the business and understands that we are temporary employees and is not demanding some of the “must haves” for regular employees, even though we had to walk through hoops for the initial paperwork, now it’s time to enjoy and have some fun! We don’t start until the 14th of February, but there will be an additional training next week for me since I will be a lead cashier. We are really looking forward to it. As for this upcoming week, we have a PepWear event in Tucson that we are looking forward to as well.

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