
Monday, January 19, 2015

Me And You

Our wedding song…something we do every year on our anniversary is we play our song and feel that love well up inside each other and every year we shed some tears.  Mostly tears of love that we have for one another that continues to grow stronger each and every year.  There are some tears of sadness for some of the choices we made that did not turn out exactly how we had planned but at the same time we know without those tough decisions we would not be who we are today.  Then we cuddle into the moment and share a special bond that nobody else has ever shared with either one of us, and deep down we understand no one else will ever replace in our hearts. 

This love is what gets us through the rough times in our lives, this love gets us through the lean times in our lives and this love we share gets us through each and every heartache and pain we encounter.  And, for that we are both so very appreciative and fortunate.  It is at those times that we understand we may not be those chosen ones to have richness in money, but we have something no amount of money could ever buy.  We have the love of each other that many others can only dream about, but both of our dreams came true 18 years ago when we both married our best friends.  Life is the best it could ever be when you have someone that wonderful to share it with, loneliness is a feeling that either one of us ever want to feel again and our hope is that each and every person on this earth has that opportunity to have their hearts so filled that it feels as if it will burst at any moment.  That each person can feel what it is like to love someone just the way they are and not ever need to change them, not need to make them into something they are not, and to only want what is best for the other.  To know what it feels like to accept them with all their short comings and love them even more because of their imperfections.  To laugh their way through times of trouble and to never make the other feel inadequate for any reason.  And, most importantly to be so grateful for that someone to love you for exactly who you are, flaws and all.

We are so grateful every day for finding one another and being able to share our own dreams with one another and we are so thankful that those dreams are parallel with one another.  We are without a doubt the most luckiest people in the world.

"Me And You"
Ordinary, no
Really don't think so
Not a love this true
Common destiny
We were meant to be
Me and you

Like a perfect scene
From a movie screen
We're a dream come true
Suited perfectly
For eternity
Me and you

Everyday, I need you even more
And the nighttime too
There's no way I could ever let you go
Even if I wanted to

Everyday I live
Try my best to give
All I have to you
Thank the stars above
That we share this love
Me and you

Everyday, I need you even more
And the nighttime too
There's no way I could ever let you go
Even if I wanted to

Ordinary, no
Really don't think so
Just a precious few
Ever make it last
Get as lucky as
Me and you
Me and you

We wish we still had our wedding video...we danced to this song and you could see the strong bond that we had back then that has only grown.  We see it in our minds all the time but wish we could share it with you all!


  1. what an absolutely fabulous song. . .first time I've ever heard it. . .thank you for sharing. . .

    Think I will put together a 40 year anniversary tribute using it as the soundtrack .

    Congrats to you guys!

  2. Just cruising around looking at Blogs and found yours...and then were delighted that you are also full time RVers as we are! Enjoyed reading about your anniversary and particularly your Jack of All Trades post! I'll be following you!


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