
Saturday, January 17, 2015

Jack of All Trades

Jerry is working in the Café.  And me?  Well I am just filling in wherever I am needed.  The first week I started off cleaning the restrooms at the RV Park which is not my favorite thing to do, as a matter of fact it is the worst case scenario I could have imagined.  It’s very physical and just a thankless job, plus I enjoy being around people and socializing which does not happen in the restrooms, or at least I hope it doesn’t.

The second long week I worked in the Café assisting Jerry in the kitchen.  Hard work but it was fun, I was able to socialize and spend time with Jerry so it was a win, win situation.

The third week, my latest adventure was selling T-Shirts at the Blu-In Café…now we are talking!  Hopefully this stays my job for the rest of the season, or at least not send me back to the cleaning of the restrooms.

This is right at the top of the list of some of my favorite things to do and I have fun doing it but I just got the word that I will be back in the kitchen this weekend since it is a holiday weekend.  I am good with that, just as long as it’s not back to the restroom duties.

We have a few feelers out there for work once we are done here and we so hope to find work that we can travel with and have fun doing it.  We love working with Scootaround but the work on the west coast did not go through so we are looking for other work along those lines.  We will work a golf event the first of February for Scootaround at the Torrey Pines Golf Course in San Diego but so far not too much more from them.

We thought we found something that would have been interesting, it would be selling cheese at shows, fairs and other venues which is something we love to do but it is only in Texas and we really do not feel like spending the summer there so we continue to look.  We are looking into the Yellowstone area, Montana, Oregon, Washington, Utah, Nevada and Northern California just to name a few ideally located areas.  We would prefer not to commit for the summer but in some of those areas it might be nice to explore so we are keeping our minds open for all possibilities.

As for our current location, even though it has its disadvantages, we have not had such a connection in such a long time and we feel at home.  We are in the middle of the desert and we get a lot of sand blowing which we have to dust the home all the time.  We are a little over 50 miles away from what we consider civilization that we took full advantage of this past week on our days off.  But all in all it is a good fit for us at this time in our lives.

We left Monday and got a hotel room in Indio at the FantasySprings Resort Casino for our 18th year anniversary celebration.  Then we had to do our big shopping at Walmart, but also shopped for the first time at a WinCo Foods and was very happy at some great meat deals but we will probably stick with Walmart since they have it all there.  We shopped so much that we decided not to make the drive back on Tuesday and instead stayed at the Indian Waters RV Resort located in Indio.  Both those reviews can be found in separate blogs we posted.

The sunsets and sunrises here are spectacular...

For more photos, check out our Google + Web Albums.


  1. Even though I'm sure it doesn't always seem like it, things are working out for you. Sounds like you've found an interesting place to stay for a while and fill the bank account.

    Beautiful sunsets!

  2. I shop at both Walmart and Winco. Winco is my favorite for groceries and Walmart is my favorite for other items. Glad to hear you were able to get away and celebrate your anniversary!

  3. Glad ya'll are settled for a while and enjoying yourselves. That's a bit too much desert and sand for yours truly, but sounds like you are right at home in it. Have fun!

  4. our plan (set in jello) is to be in the San Diego area beginning Feb 2. . .touch base on FB after the golf tournament. . .maybe we can meet up. . .have read your stuff forever. . .would love to meet you!

  5. I disagree with you on the toilet cleaning, just spend time camp hosting in a state park and they will Thank You forever on providing clean toilets! Yes, mostly its a Thankless job, but I find it rewarding. This coming from a life long Nurse career where ya might think people would just love you, but mostly not (they are usually angry/hurt etc.) So I toilets is a very Thankful experience!


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