
Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Wine Tastings

2011 Blue Moon Riesling produced by BridgeviewVineyards in Cave Junction, Oregon has 12% alcohol with apple and honey flavoring is not the sweetest Riesling we've tasted but not the driest either. An inviting aroma and a taste that lingers but does not overwhelm. We would purchase again for $6 per bottle.

We rated the Lucky Duck Moscato with an 8.1 because of its sweetness and strong taste of honeydew melon and peaches that would be perfect with any spicy food.  We paid $4 for this 11% alcohol from Chile that we would purchase again.

2011 Family Vineyards Riesling produced by Sutter Home located in Napa Valley has a 12.5% alcohol that we gave an 8.6 rating.  Fresh, Spring like taste with just a touch of sweetness that stays on your palate that would be great with any food, especially spicy.  We paid $5 per bottle and would be likely to purchase again. 

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