
Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Thoughts When Our Bodies Are Exhausted & Our Minds Are Not…

Life has always been a bit challenging for us but we are so grateful that it has not been as bad as it could have been.  We do have so much to be grateful for but still there are times that we wonder if we will ever have the life we have always dreamed we would have.  We always follow our dreams but they never seem to manifest entirely for us as we have seen happen for others.  We stay focused, we believe, we go after it and still just a fraction of our dreams happen.

We have been living this lifestyle now for so many years and we still have the same dreams…to be able to travel, write our stories, take our photos and make a living out of it.  So far that has not happened and we have to take other jobs to pay our expenses and these jobs are hard and take away the time we could have to work on our dream lifestyle. 

It’s that vicious cycle again…when will it ever end!

We have learned many lessons in our lives but we now feel it should be the time where we can reap some of the rewards.  We are tired and are bodies really can’t take much more, we have beat them up so much in our years of physical labor that they are exhausted and our hearts are heavy.

We are currently on vacation in between the Pumpkin Station and Christmas Tree lot and trying to find the strength to do the things we want to do and every day it gets a little easier, our bodies are healing from overworking them. 

What started off as a morning “little” ride on our bikes ended up being a 40 mile ride that almost had us stranded.  We left the Chula Vista RV Resort

and followed the Bayshore Bikeway.  All the research we did told us it was 24 mile round trip but ended up being a little over 40 which took a strain on our Go-Bikes and we limped back the last mile.

Jerry got a new pair of sunglasses that have peace signs on them so he is now into "Peace Out"!

We made it to our site without pushing the bikes or having to peddle all the way.  Peddling on these bikes are much more strenuous then on a regular bike so pushing would have been easier and they are much heavier than a regular bike so either of those options would have been hard.

We then plugged them in for a short time so we could go and have some lunch at the nearby South Bay Fish & Grill.  Check out our separate review for our experience.

We are once again living our lives to the fullest and stop reflecting on all the things we don’t have and focusing more on all the great things we do have in our lives.  Perfect time of the year for that since Thanksgiving is right around the corner.  We have sort of reflected back on this past year and realize it was almost the same as the last so we decided to throw caution to the wind and begin once again checking off items on our Life List beginning the first of January where we just made reservations to see the Mystere, a Cirque du Soleil production at Treasure Island in Las Vegas.  

Then we plan to head East this summer and finally check off the New England states from our list as well.  We are looking for physically easier work so we do not beat our bodies up as much and will be able to enjoy this new adventure and know that we will find it just as long as we stay focused on where we want to be and not where we do not want to be.  Life is funny that way, it will give you exactly what you stay focused on even if that is exactly what you do not want.  Our focus is now on all the great things we have in our lives and just accepting more of it.

For more photos, check out our Google + Web Albums.


  1. I do admire the two of you so much for how you have/are moving forward towards your dreams. You inspire many others.

    And, could you have a hidden belief that you have to work hard for everything, or, whenever you get ahead, something happens? I have wrestled with hidden beliefs in living the LOA.

    IMO, it's a positive step to start moving towards things on your bucket list. The Universe will support you and make it happen!


  2. Life does throw some curve balls, eh? We're not living the life I envisioned at the start, but rather a variation of it. It's a compromise, but one with which I'm content. Have you guys considered taking a longer-term job and sitting for a while to regroup, rest and have time to entertain the writer's muse? Glad you're ticking some things off your bucket list! We're still in NJ in case you wander this way during Summer. Hang in and enjoy! Life is short!


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