
Tuesday, September 03, 2013

Still On Vacation – Where Are We Now?

Labor Day Monday was a travel day where we intended on heading towards Santa Cruz, instead along the drive we decided to head in another direction toward Napa Valley.  It has been on our Life List for a long time now so since we had the time we changed our course and turned onto CA-20 East then CA-29 South and made an overnight stop at Konocti Vista Casino RV Park.  We had lunch, played a little and slept…read our separate review.

We continued south on CA-29 towards Napa, we only had about 80 miles and it was a fun drive at first.  Along our drive we spotted Twin Pine Casino so we stopped in for a few and they had all sorts of goodies for us, including a great deal on lunch so we took full advantage of it all.  Our lunch was great, check out our separate review for all the information. 

After a few hours we continued south on CA-29 and that is when the fun drive stopped.  Yellow warning signs telling us if you are over 65’ that this road is not advisable.  Whew, usually they say 35’ so we thought this would not be so bad and apparently we both forgot what it was like when we drove north on it back in 2010.  WELL LET ME TELL YOU IT WAS ABOUT 10 MILES OF PURE ADRENELINE RUSH AND NOT IN A GOOD WAY!  There were twists and turns and almost over the ledge with no guardrails that continued to take our breath away and the language we used…I can’t…no I won’t repeat it.  The climb was bad but then the decent was…OMG!  Jerry thought he was Mario Andretti (that’s what I call him when he is going too fast which he wasn’t but it sure felt it) and then the semi which was about 65’ was climbing while we were descending thought the entire road was his during a really hairy curve.  I thought for sure he was going to take the entire side of us with him but luckily Jerry moved over as much as he could without going over but from my birds eye seat I thought we were goners.  We do not care for those types of drives and we are now just glad that it is over and have put it on our list to avoid at least for another 3 years when we might forget about it again.  

Over the holiday weekend we noticed a waterfall coming from our water heater so we needed to shut off our water hose to our home and could not find any nearby place to pick up the needed part so we could not use our hot water.  A little plastic plug cost us only $7 for two of them but caused us days of no showers.   We had cold water in the lines from our pump but our tank was emptied so we had to be sure not to use our hot water taps or it would drain our water tank into the hot water tank and then just leak out. 

We finally found the part at Advantage RV Center in Napa, California, they had every part you could have imagined so Jerry fixed it.  Wish we could say the same for the generator…that is as they say an entirely different story.  We still cannot get that to continue running and Jerry will need to pull the entire thing out of its tight quarters to work on it and he just doesn’t want to do it on vacation so we will continue finding hookups.

We have taken so many photos that it has been hard for me to keep up with them all and get them loaded on our Picasa Web Albums, so keep checking back since I am getting to them as quickly as my little fingers will work.

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