
Wednesday, September 04, 2013

Bike Ride to Yountville

The plan was to just explore Downtown Napa but as soon as we got there we went inside the Napa Valley Visitor Center we knew this is not our kind of town to explore.

As we drove in yesterday we passed Napa Valley and Saint Helena which were small, quant towns and that is what we were looking to explore but we thought they were too far for a bike ride once we made it to the Napa Valley Expo RV Park and hooked up.  We thought they were over 20 miles away but Bob, the man in the Visitor Center assured us that Yountville was only about 5 miles up the road with great bike paths and just as cute of a little town as the others.  We found out soon enough that he did not know his miles too well and thank goodness we didn’t let him talk us into all the way to Napa Valley so he gave us a map and sent us on our merry little way. 

Yountville was actually over 13 miles one way and there were some parts of the so called bike lanes that did not exist so it got exciting at times.  Then the town is nothing like Napa Valley and Saint Helena so we checked out a few places and then found a different route back which still had some missing bike paths but was so much better but it was still a long ride.  Our bikes have a maximum time on a full battery of about 26 miles so we pushed the limit and then some but they had plenty of charge left when we got back so that was good.

When we got close to home and could relax that we still had enough charge we stopped for lunch at Big D Burger.  It is a local restaurant off the main roads where it looked like a lot of the locals go to eat and we had a great meal for around $20.

Jerry had the Shrimp Tacos which is a new item on the menu.  Each soft taco has three shrimps with grilled peppers and mushrooms, then just the right amount of cilantro to make it scrumptious.

I had the Combination Platter that had Fried Battered Fish, Shrimp and Calamari served over French Fries and Onion Rings.   It was all crispy and very flavorful but the calamari had a coating on it that really made it the best tasting we had ever had.  As a matter of fact we both disliked calamari until today.

Since our batteries were holding up, we went over to Oxbow Public Market area and just checked out the shops before heading back to our rig. Thank goodness we just ate or we might have been tempted to taste some of the goodies they offered.

We had planned to leave tomorrow but since today was such a bust we decided to stay one more day and instead of another bike ride we have reserved two seats on the Napa Valley Wine Trolley.  We are going to let them do the driving and maybe we can even do some tasting if we end up at a Winery that has the types of wines we enjoy.

We took some photos, not too many since it was hard to drive my bike and take photos at the same time but check out our Picasa Web Albums.

1 comment:

  1. We loved being in the Napa Valley area. There was so much to see and so much to do.


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