
Sunday, May 12, 2013

Writing Once Again

Guess we needed a break from blogging, and it was well spent.  We have been working on our first book in our series of “Along the Way with J&K”, this one titled “Rags to Riches…Our Spiritual Journey in a RV!”  All it needs is a tad more tweaking and it will be ready for publishing.

Then more of the series will include writings of our travels, our reviews, particular cities and places we have been blessed with being able to visit while living this wonderful lifestyle.  The series will also include books about Boondocking, finding work along the way, Casino hopping, and remodeling on a budget and so many more stories that are just wanting to be completed and published.  We have been dormant long enough, it is our time, our time to finally do what we love and have fun while we do it.

For now we are in the Palm Springs area soaking in the Hot Springs and loads of sunshine, a little too much heat coming up for the next few days but we will muddle through.  We will be heading to the Coast in just a week or so to cooler temperatures and some adventurous work and sightseeing opportunities.

We absolutely love this area and if we ever…not likely…but if we ever give up our wheels we would love to stay in this area.  We did notice the town itself Desert Hot Springs is going downhill fast, looks like a lot more transients in the area and the businesses are either closing up or becoming very rundown.  We now head into Palm Springs for any of our needed essentials, a much nicer area.

Life is always what we choose it to be, it is always our choice in what and how we view what is happening in our lives.  We are still learning to take each opportunity and make the most out of it, doesn’t always go the way we want it, but we always make it through with more knowledge then before.  These past few months have not gone as we would have liked them to go, we came in contact with some pretty difficult people that were not honest and forthcoming.  They weren’t bad people, just misguided and some very dramatic, something we do not do any longer.  This took our lives in a direction that was not clear so we made mistakes along the way and got off course, but we are so happy to announce we are back on course and ready to begin living our lives to the fullest once again. 


  1. Sounds like you are working on some exciting new things. Wishing you success with the book series.

  2. Lots of luck with the publishing!


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