
Wednesday, May 08, 2013

Mother’s Day Gifts

This post was prepared for the NerdWallet’s Mother’s Day Your Way Contest at  Check out their site for coupons, ideas and so much more!

I have always struggled financially due to my “lack” mentality and this particular year was no different.  I was always the one who came up with the “creative” ideas, at least that is what I called them, my family called them cheap.

I have given lottery tickets with no big winners.  I have also given self-made coupons that they could turn in for hugs, free babysitting, a day of cleaning and so many other ideas.  And, the most important were the hand-made items that I have created throughout my years for my family.

This particular year I made my mother this absolutely beautifully crafted photo frame filled with years of photos of our family all in a collage form.  It also included little poems I wrote about the mother that raised her five children mostly by herself and did the best she could with what she had at every moment.   

I poured my heart and soul into this photo frame that was in grand scale.  I searched through tons of photos, not just from our childhood but from my mom’s just to find the perfect ones to add to this creation.  Searching to find photos of each of her children with their families was not an easy task since many of them were extended and guarded.  Secrets were well known in our home and for this creation I did not want to let any of them show and most certainly did not want to leave anyone out either. 

Finally after months of creating I had what I thought was the best I could have done and presented it to my mom.  Tears filled her eyes and even though she did not say it, I could see it in her eyes that she appreciated all the love I put into this present.  Unfortunately a few years later she passed away and now I have no idea where it ended up, most likely in the trash somewhere since my family thought it was just another of my cheap ideas.

When Mother’s Day comes around this year as I have been doing now for so many previously, my goal will be to make it through all the hype and hope I do not cry all day long.   Since my mother passed away and then losing my only daughter so many years ago I just pray for peace within to get me through.

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