
Tuesday, October 02, 2012

The Games Have Begun

It has been a strange opening for us, we piddled around the lot while the workers did the rest.  Ah hah, we now know what it is to manage a lot and not work a lot…big difference and we most certainly can get used to this.

By not destroying our bodies with all the setup, we now have plenty of stamina to take care of the staff and the customers the way they should be treated, not from the pain and tiredness but from relaxed and ready to work side of us.  Love it!

Norm and Linda Osborne and their son Mike have owned this family business Pinery Christmas Trees and Pumpkin Station for many years and they do a top notch job keeping these businesses flourishing.  We had our employee orientation and hired around 50 people, Linda came by and facilitated the event and it all came together and went pretty smooth. 

The pumpkin business is much different from Christmas trees.  With the tree business, it booms on opening and slows way down towards the end.  Pumpkins on the other hand begin very slow and then booms for the last two weeks.  By then we feel we will be ready for it and will have all of our best employees prepared and then head out on November 1st with a satisfying feeling of completion of a job well done.

The weather has been a bit draining, since El Cajon, California has been in the 100’s for days now, but we are told that today should be the end of the 100’s…we are hoping that this time the weather forecasters are correct.  Wouldn’t you love a job where you can be wrong 90% of the time and still have a job?


  1. Sounds like a good short term job. I have said many times that the weather man doesn't have to be correct and he still has a job!

  2. I am the host of the blog, Hosting Posting and Marshmallow

    I love to follow blogs of full timers so I can learn the ropes before trying it out

  3. Hi you two...I know it's been forever since we have been in touch. Sounds like this is a great fit for you guys. Looking forward to hearing how it goes.

    Hope the weather cools down some for you.


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