
Thursday, October 18, 2012

13 Days…22 Hours…5 Minutes…

But who’s counting?

Even though this Pumpkin Station experience has been the best we have ever had, we are still counting down to when we will be on our mini vacation in between this and the Christmas tree lot.

Hooking up, getting some work done on Maggie, overnight on Catalina Island without Maggie, play days and the Boat Ride on the Colorado River we have been anticipating for years is just a few of the many things we have planned for those 18 days.

Getting out of California for a little while will be a treat, we have been here for months and are looking forward to heading to Arizona and Nevada for a few days to just unwind and cross things off on our Life List.

Managing this lot has been a great experience; we have learned what it is like to truly be appreciated for our skills and to work for a very well-oiled company.  They do everything top-notched, their systems work and we are happy to be a part of this family. 

The only complaint we have would be about the hired workers but we have weeded out the bad apples and are finally down to the very best of the crop.  Many of the workers have been coming back for years and as I informed one of them that in all actuality that only means they have worked for a few months since this is a seasonal one month job, not the years they continue to state they have been with the company.  Many of them took advantage of the other managers and took long breaks and even hours on company time, did not show up for shifts and then expected to just show up for their next one and work.  That is not how we operate, this is a business, not a day care center and we hire adults who need to give us their all while they are on our time, if not they can find other work.  We run a tight ship and once that word got around we began losing people which was really a blessing.  Now, we can relax and have some fun since all of our workers are now exactly that, they are workers who understand that this is a business.

Now that we are on the last part of this, we will continue getting busier each day.  Pumpkin sales will rise and so will the traffic but that will make every day fly by and before we know it, we will be on vacation once again.

For more photos, check out our Picasa Web Albums.


  1. Why is it in this economy with so much unemployment that many people don't want to do the work they are paid to do? You'd think they'd be thrilled to have a job.

    Sad that not everybody has the good work ethic that you do. Glad you got rid of the dead wood. Hope that the rest of the job tour works well for you. :c)

  2. Why is it in this economy with so much unemployment that many people don't want to do the work they are paid to do? You'd think they'd be thrilled to have a job.

    Sad that not everybody has the good work ethic that you do. Glad you got rid of the dead wood. Hope that the rest of the job tour works well for you. :c)

  3. I admire the strong work ethic that the two of you have. It takes guts to stand up for what you believe in. There are many people looking for jobs, so you shouldn't have to stand for bad attitudes and lazy workers, even if they've been there for "years". Good for you, Kimberly and Jerry!

  4. Unfortunately, based on my experience with employing many hundreds of people, a large percentage of them want a job but not the work. Many of them do not even really understand why they are expected to work steadily and properly.

    The word that comes to mind is entitlement:(

  5. You go girl. . .well said.

    You will deserve a vacation!


  6. So Glad to hear that you are happy with the job! and the Vacation sounds wonderful!


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