
Tuesday, April 24, 2012

U – Umbilical Cord

Too many people we speak with say they have a dream but…But what?  There are always reasons, excuses, things or people that will stand in your way, the trick is to see beyond the fear and move forward.

We are true believers of cutting the umbilical cord and getting on with living your life!  What are you waiting for?  It’s not just about getting an RV and traveling the country, it’s about your dreams.  Waiting for the exact right moment, when that moment may never come.  Get out there and make those dreams your reality.  Do not keep putting it off until that perfect scenario happens, or when you have enough of this or that or whatever.  Do it now before it is too late.

Follow your heart and make your dreams come true.  You know what they are and only you can make them happen.  Make it a point to move toward your dream a moment at a time, not allowing the naysayers to keep you down for too long.  If you get knocked down…get up and start again and again and again for as long as it takes until you are finally living your dream, whatever that may be.

Look at us, we never thought we would be here, we are not done yet either.  We still have many more dreams that we want to fulfill, so stay tuned for all the others that are just about to become our reality.  

Life is too short to allow time to wither away while you sit by and watch your life pass by.  Life is grand when you take the reins and begin to live your life to the fullest!

For more photos, check out our Picasa Web Albums and check out all the other bloggers making it through the A to Z Challenge, some really interesting reading.


  1. Wow! What an awesome life you are living now! Most people dream about doing the things you are doing but don't have the courage! I look forward to reading more as a new follower :)

  2. I needed to read that and keep thinking that. Thanks

  3. What you have said is so true. People want to do things but seem too scared to do it or are afraid of the change. Our belief is, if you do what you always do, then you get what you always got. Only YOU can make the change for something new. We have seen too many things happen to people before they get to the stage they want to be and then their dreams disappear. You have to JUST DO IT!

    Having said that you can help make our dreams come true and vote for us. :)

    Kevin and Ruth

  4. Great that you're living your dream. Who knows where it will lead? Blog on!



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