
Monday, April 23, 2012

T – Tee-Shirts

Many of ours are NASCAR shirts, but we also try to find others of interest.  There are state shirts, event shirts, funny shirts, serious shirts and all the others too!

My favorite one is the one with the map of the USA that we purchased a few years ago in Quartzsite.  At the time you give them the list of all the states you have visited and they iron on the bling.  Then they give you more bling to iron on yourself when you visit the states in the future.  The stones stay on through hundreds of washing and the first shirt I bought was a high quality shirt that has withheld all of those washing for so many years.  Unfortunately this last time we were in Quartzsite I purchased 2 more and the quality was way down and will not be lasting as long as the first one did, they have already shrunk in just a few washings.

Tee-Shirts are always a way to see where everyone has been or what they like and such a conversational piece.  What do your tee-shirts say about you?

For more photos, check out our Picasa Web Albums and check out the other bloggers in the A to Z Challenge.


  1. Well.. I happen to have on a t-shirt that has a picture of a "casita" type trailer that has an awning... and there's a kitty laying in front of it... and the shirt says "I Like it Here". Guess that says a lot about me....

  2. When we started full timing we would buy Jim a t-shirt at all the places we stopped to explore. When he hit 60 t-shirts I said no more!!

  3. Where do you keep all those shirts?

    My T shirts say that I need new ones, they are very religous T shirts, very "holey". ;c)


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