
Saturday, April 14, 2012

M - Making the Best of Every Situation

Originally we had another plan for M, but when we woke to this white stuff this morning this topic seemed much more appropriate. 

We are true believers of making the best of every situation and always try to find the good in everything.  That is not always easy, especially when snow is one of our least favorite things in life. 

To make matters worse, our job is not at all what we thought and hoped it would be…I caught a cold...and now this…

I know, I know, it could be worse…but please what lesson is it that the Universe is trying to teach us right now?  Inquiring minds want to know.

We always say that we do not get sick and for the most part it has always been true.  We tried to convince ourselves when my sniffling/sniveling began that it was just my allergies…NOT…it is a full blown head cold…sneezing, coughing, runny nose and body aches…great!

The good news is that we have a short shift tonight and then two days off…Calgon Take Me Away!  Oh no...we don’t have a tub, oh well, nice thought anyway!

Just in case you are wondering, it is still snowing...


  1. A cold and snow? Boy, that sure is a double whammy.

    Hope they both pass soon!

    Getting a kick out of your A-Z posts! :c)

  2. Snow? Nah, not possible. It's 81 inside of my RV right now, with all windows open. Nah...feel better soon! Colds are not fun.

  3. Oh no!! There was snow around us once when we were in Hurricane but you're at a much higher elevation!! Sorry about the cold too. Enjoy your day off. I'm sure you've earned it.

  4. Snow? Momma Nature sure is confused these days, eh? I won't tell you it's Spring-like warm and sunny here in Jersey today . . . Sorry you have a cold and that your situation is not what you expected. Perhaps tomorrow will look brighter! Hang in there!

  5. So much for sightseeing... I'm sorry to hear about your cold. I've been drinking unsweetened grapefruit juice at the first sign of a cold and so far it's working.

  6. That picture made me cold. It's chilly here in Apache Junction today but definitely no snow. Lots of wind. Wish I could offer some good advice on getting rid of your cold but for me they always last a week no matter what I do. Hope yours goes away much faster. Sorry to hear the job isn't what you expected. Maybe that will get better when the weather improves.

  7. Had to chuckle at the Calgon snippet! :)

  8. Brrr. Sounds cold and forboding. Not my cup of tea, for sure. We in northeast Texas are having hot weather (as usual) and could do with maybe a little cooler weather. :)
    Best regards to you. Ruby

  9. Hope it warms up soon and the sniffles go away. Sorry the job hasn't turned out to be all you hoped. I often have to remind myself that the job is only for x number of days and we'll soon be on to something else. And then sometimes it just gets better along the way...


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