
Friday, April 13, 2012

L - Living in a Small Space

It can be difficult during any disagreements which is one of the reasons we have learned to pick our arguments very carefully.  A dear friend of ours gave us great advice prior to us getting married, she said, “Always pick your arguments and never ever use the “D” word…Divorce is never an option.”  We try to live by that daily.  It makes our drives so much nicer when we chose to let go of that little argument instead of allowing it to fester into a crummy day.

Some other great advice we got from Dr. Phil was something along the lines of remembering that to be a winner of that argument will make your mate a loser.  We never want the other to feel like a loser so we end those stupid arguments quickly by agreeing to disagree.

We reconstructed the interior of our rig to fit our needs and even though it is only 27’ motorhome we still make it work for us.  We live by the rule, something in, something out and we purge our “stuff” all the time.

Living our lives less complicated, less stress and the opportunity to see so much of this country are some of the reasons we chose to live this life and learning to live together peacefully in such a small space is just part of the adventure.

For more photos, check out our Picasa Web Albums.


  1. I agree with you. And I wonder if John and I have really ever consciously decided to agree to disagree. I think I'll practice that this week. Agree to disagree rather than defend, convince or justify. Sounds like a great alternative. Nips the power struggle in the bud!

  2. Aha, yes, best to curb any disagreements. Imagine getting mad & storming into another room, only to find yourself shut up in the bathroom because it's the only room with a real door! Well that didn't work did it? ;-)

  3. What an awesome adventure! I wish I followed the something in, something out rule. It sounds heavenly!

    And I totally agree about the disagreements.

  4. There definitely is not a lot of room. Well, I suppose you could put up a curtain but it would be a very small curtain. It's just best to get along.

  5. Good perspective on life and living with your spouse and best friend. Hope you guys have a grand weekend.

  6. I've always remembered some advice given by Ann Landers..."When you bury the sure to also bury the handle".


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