
Thursday, April 05, 2012

E – Excitement Along the Way

Do you ever have that total exhilarating feeling many of us get the night before an event, where sleep is non-existent in anticipation of what is to come?

We are so blessed to get that feeling all the time.

As full time travelers we change our backyards often.  At times we move daily, weekly or monthly so there are days that our excitement level is so hard to contain just looking forward to our next adventure. 

Even if we are stationed for a month or longer, we will take Maggie (our RV) for an overnight drive weekly and hook up elsewhere while visiting the area sights.  

It has been such a great lifestyle for us and the excitement level of starting a new job sometimes weekly, meeting new people daily, and of course seeing things we never thought we would ever see is such an exciting way to live our lives.

For more photos, check out our Picasa Web Albums.


  1. I can relate to that excitement! :)

  2. Don't know that I'd like that excitement every day, but I sure know what you mean! Life seems so much more - what - "textured" or richer in its tones since we hit the road in this lifestyle. Isn't it grand? Thanks for the upbeat post!

  3. I think many of us out here know exactly what you're talking about. I guess when the excitement goes away then it's time to think about hanging up the keys. Good for you!!


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