
Wednesday, April 04, 2012

D - Duluth, Minnesota

Minnesota was never one of those states where we thought we would ever spend much time in, but as we soon learned that when we allow life to show us where we should go, instead of fighting it all the way, it works out so much better.  Spending time in Minnesota was one of those times. 

We managed a campground in Aitkin, Minnesota for a few summers which meant we were able to go exploring every week on our days off and Duluth was one of our many favorite places to see.

The streets were inclined worse than in San Francisco but from the top of the town, there were amazing views and worth the climb.  The gates opened for ships to come in and unload their cargo and the bridges were like looking at a wonderful piece of art.

The town had a warm and fuzzy feel to it, it felt like home.

For more photos, check out our Picasa Web Albums and be sure to check out the other bloggers that are doing the A to Z Challenge.


  1. Hey, that's almost our old stomping grounds! We started our life together in Hibbing, MN, about 40 miles from Duluth. :)

  2. Duluth is one of our favorite places too. Love the Canal zone. Sorry i didn't get back to you on the Grand Canyon, we were only there for a week. Would love to work camp there but this was just a visit.

  3. We've been to Minnesota but not been to Duluth. There are certainly a lot of beautiful places in these United States.

  4. I am very familiar with that area, especially Aitkin. Did you ever shop at Gramma's Pantry in downtown Aitkin? If so, then you met my sister Becki :)

    Nice to meet you and I hope you're enjoying the Challenge!

    A to Z Challenge Host

  5. These are beautiful bridges :-)


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