
Monday, July 18, 2011

Some Days Are Hardly Worth Getting Out of Bed…

A few minor setbacks have caused us to reevaluate our plans once again and we are not liking it one bit. We have really been aching to get the hell out of the east, these continuous storms one after another along with this humidity and heat has given us the incentive to get out of here. And, if money was not a factor in our choices we would have been heading in that direction a long time ago, but…

Our plans still remain the same to attend the Brickyard 400 at Indianapolis Motor Speedway and then work the Indiana State Fair, but we will not be doing the next two jobs for Scootaround that we had planned. The corporate office has canceled them due to…whatever…they were canceled.

We are then jobless after the Indiana State Fair. Scared? You’re damn right we are! We have a few feelers out but as far as confirmed work from here to the end of the year…well, not yet! We are really trying to just stay calm and know that things will all work out, they always do, but it is not always easy.

We will make enough at the fair to get us west once again, so if anybody knows of any sort of temporary, part time work beginning the end of August in Northern Arizona, Nevada, or California, please let us know.

Life is full of changes and chances, it is now up to us to make sure that we make the most of these changes and choose to go down the road that takes us on our continuous dream lifestyle.


  1. Have to agree with you about the heat, humidity and storms. Don't have any suggestions of work, though. Good luck!

  2. Oh no. I certainly hope something comes up for you. However, I bet it will. My fingers are crossing that something else will come around very soon.

    Take care and chin up!

  3. Do I ever feel your pain. We're stuck here in California, just itching to leave, but until the house is empty and sold, there's no way we can leave. Try to keep positive (hard, I know) and understand that we're all rooting for you.

  4. I hope that things work out just the way you need and want them to. I'm rooting for you!

  5. Hang in there and I believe if you keep looking the opportunities will come. I think most of us are ready for a break from heat and humidity, it sure has been a year of extremes.

  6. I am so sorry to hear the bad news about your job. We'll keep you in our thoughts and prayers that a new and better job comes along and quickly!


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