
Saturday, July 16, 2011

Exploring Wisconsin Dells

After our week working at the Farm Technology Days, we decided we need a vacation and this area is the perfect spot. We had planned to stay here only 5 days, but once we got here we were so impressed, we chose to add 6 more days onto our Coast to Coast membership stay. We plan to be here until we head to the NASCAR race at Indianapolis Motor Speedway for our NASCAR fix.

There is so much to do in this area, not only at the Resort we are staying but this area is loaded with all sorts of new adventures for us. We do not plan to do any of the amusement or water parks, but there are plenty of other things going on that we will explore.

The next few days will be filled with lots of rest and relaxation, some cleaning of our rig, ourselves and our laundry, catching up on our writing and photos, and last but not least, watching NASCAR racing. Then after that, we have plans to visit the many wonderful places in the area. Please share with us your favorite places in the Wisconsin Dells area, those that should be on the “not to miss” list.

In the meantime, we are in our Hakuna Matata state of mind. For those of you who do not know what that means, just listen to this video. Jimmy Cliff has put a Reggae spin on the song from Lion King and it is marvelous. No worries. Life is Grand!


  1. I would visit the International Crane Foundation in Baraboo. I also like to stop at the candy store in Baraboo for a cow pie fix! :)

  2. Not sure how far you are from this place, but I recall a visit when I attended a college debate tournament in Whitewater. It was truly amazing...


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