
Saturday, January 01, 2011

Reflections of 2010

What an absolute wonderful year we had! It’s been a long time since we have been able to make that statement so let me say it again. What an absolute wonderful year we had! Life still sends us curves but since we have begun to go with the flow, life feels easier. We are no longer forcing the issues we are dealt, instead we go from that point in which we receive those blessings and work with what we have.

Our travels this year took us to new and exciting places, we did jobs we never thought we could do and we had a great time doing it all. We don’t make resolutions, since every moment for us is a chance to change or rearrange our lives, we don’t need the new year to make us do those changes, we do them every moment of our lives.

We shared our lives with many new friends and continue to rekindle the friendships made in the past. As for our family, that remained the same, no contact at all. For us that just confirmed the fact that we are doing the right thing, holding onto grudges is just something we outgrew a long time ago and they all seem to be stuck in the anger of long ago. We miss our grandson very much, but we also know that we have done all we can to rectify the situation and have been met by slammed doors. Maybe 2011 will bring us back into his life once again. For a child, it is very important that they are surrounded by people who love them, the more the better. But, until then we hope that he is receiving all he needs to grow up into a fantastic person that loves more than he hates, who gives more than he takes and who forgives more than he holds onto the pain in his life.

Happy new year to everyone…we hope this year is filled with all of your dreams coming true!


  1. Very nice blog today.

    Happy New Year to you guys!!!

  2. Happy New Year to you!!!!

  3. Happy New Year to you to. You are absolutely right about going with the flow. When your relaxed and happy, you tend to just kind of absorb the curves and keep going; unlike when you are tense and taut and the curves end up being daunting obstacles. I hope 2011 brings you back together with your grandson, but it sounds like you have recognized that of which you have no control, so continue down your path and hopefully his path will intersect some day. Best to both of you in 2011!

  4. Happy New Year Kimberly & Jerry!

    Hope that you have a tremendous day! You are so right about people holding onto grudges...we have a couple of those in our family and we too had to let them go. We continue to pray for them and do hope one day to be reconciled with them but we don't dwell on it.

    Ron spent a few hours outside yesterday checking out the tow bar and stuff. Every once in awhile he would come in and say "boy is it cold out there." and then out again he went. He is not hooking them up today, plans to do that on Monday while we are cooking for Brandon and his family and doing the never ending chore of laundry :)

    Talk to you again soon.

  5. Happy New Year. I loved your thoughtful post today.

  6. Happy 2011, Kimberly and Jerry. I really admire your outlook on life. Great blog post!

  7. Just found your blog and am enjoying it. We are getting ready to hit the road in March of this year. We are getting good information from blogs that we follow. You have so much information, it will take me awhile to get thru it, but I'm going to learn what I can. I loved your post from today.


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