
Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Doing It Without Guilt

We have come a long way…baby!

It may have taken us over 6 years to finally “get it”, but we have. We work hard and we play even harder but when the time comes to just be able to relax, we now do it without the guilt.

Whenever we work the Christmas tree lot, we know it is weeks of 12 hour shifts and we are tired at the end. We give ourselves the time to play as soon as we can, which we again did this year as we headed for the Laughlin desert. We did an all nighter at the casinos…it was 4am before we came home and discussed what we need to do today. We both agreed…NOTHING! The only thing we had to do was to do it without guilt, which we did.

First off, we slept until noon. Sure can’t remember the last time that happened. Then we just ate and napped for the rest of the day, nothing else. No worries about cleaning, laundry or any other things on our list that needs to get done, tomorrow is another day when we will work on the list, but for today, we simply were there in the moment without a care in the world. Life certainly has it’s way of allowing us to just be, if we allow it.


  1. I loved the comment you left for me about "On The Road Again..." What a wonderful feeling!

  2. Work hard, play hard, and...relax hard! Sounds like a good plan to me! Guilt adds nothing to the mix so it's good to throw it off.

  3. That is true relaxation...figuring out how to do it without guilt. Congratuations!

  4. Sounds like you now have the magic formula, relaxing without guilt. Amazing how that can be hard!

  5. Just goes to show you, you can teach an old dog new tricks!

  6. Happy New Year From Southern California.

    Don't forget to watch the 122nd Rose Parade on New Year's Day coming from Pasadena, California...only 30 miles from The Old Geezer's home :-)

    No matter what looms ahead, if you can eat today, enjoy today, mix good cheer with friends today enjoy it and bless God for it. ~Henry Ward Beecher

    May God Bless and Protect You in the Year to Come. ~Ron


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