
Sunday, April 25, 2010

Our Contribution to the RV Lifestyle

RV Lifestyle Experts, Jaimie Hall Bruzenak and Alice Zyetz just launched their new book, Retire to an RV: The Roadmap to Affordable Retirement Living and we were a part of it. Yes, it all began quite awhile ago, but we knew it would manifest itself eventually and it did.

If you choose to purchase this or any of their books, please, click here to visit Pine Country Publishing.

Thanks Jaimie, you have been a great part of our lifestyle, from your interview with us while we were on our first job at the Kaibab Lodge at the North Rim of the Grand Canyon to today of launching your new book that includes our contributions.

This was my favorite photo of the day, this is a view through a window not a painting or framed photo!

These windows are where the previous photo was taken!

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