
Monday, April 26, 2010

Entering Colorado

Our first time as a couple going into Colorado, many years ago, Jerry traveled this route but we can now cross it off “our” bucket list. We crossed the state line and stayed overnight in Colorado and will be hanging out for a few months working as Chefs at a Dude Ranch.

From Camp Verde RV Resort we headed north on I-17, through Flagstaff, Arizona where there was still some snow and lots of frost on the ground and roads.

Once through Flagstaff we took US-89 N until...

Taking US-160 E into Colorado. This road at times was so rough, we had things flying around the rig, other times the road was like silk.

The views were spectacular with the mountains in all shapes and sizes, the animals, cows on the road, wild horses running free and of course the sheep and one particular animal we are not sure exactly what it was, we think it might have been some sort of Alpaca. Many of our photos didn’t turn out, not really the best way to take a photo while driving down the highway but we keep trying and some really turn out great.

While we are here, we have added several new items to our “Bucket List”. Horseback riding, white water rafting and visiting Four Corners and Mesa Verde NP, just to name a few.


  1. I loved your photos. Your jobs as chefs sound so interesting. I hope you will write about that part of your RV life while you are working. I'd enjoy hearing more.

    We're heading into Colorado ourselves sometime in May. We'll be traveling on Hwy. 50 from the east to the west.

    Have a great day!

  2. Absolutely, we will be sharing all of our experiences while here. Hwy 50 goes through Canon City and Pueblo where we had planned to do some sight seeing since it is nearby where the ranch is located. Keep us updated on your whereabouts and we could possibly meet up with you guys. We would invite you here but there are no RV spots but the ones for workers, otherwise it is a week stay Dude Ranch.


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