
Saturday, May 02, 2009

NaBloPoMo (National Blog Posting Month)

Yarntangler aka Marcie Hoye Cumberland, author of “The Tree at the Top of the Hill” takes on the challenge for this month once again at NaBloPoMo. We personally have never attempted to do this but know many folks who have and continue to do it and we support their efforts in any way we can.

This month’s theme is sweet. Just being sweet is a challenge in itself, let alone writing about it every day of May. Many people have took this challenge, so why don’t we give them a hand and take on the challenge of being sweet to one another which will give them something sweet to write about.

For us, there is a fine line between being sweet and being walked all over and the latter is not much fun at all. It is a balancing act that can absolutely get you into trouble if you cross it. We have learned not to take things personally and that usually takes the edge away from ourselves when dealing with an aggressive situation. It may sound simple but it has been the hardest lesson we have ever had to learn but once we did, it then becomes easier to be sweet to others, which usually allows them to stop being so rude. Doesn’t always work but at least we no longer allow it to fester within our hearts and ruin the rest of our day and most importantly does not ruin the rest of our encounters we meet.

Don’t forget to vote for our article, “Planes of Fame” as the Readers Choice at Road Trip Journal for your chance to win a $100 gas card and if we get enough votes, we get one too.

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