
Thursday, April 30, 2009

Trying New Things

We are having the time of our lives and whenever we are given the opportunity of trying something new, we do it. Riding these banana bikes were fun and really worked the thigh muscles.

Jerry was a little hesitant about riding these but after a little coaxing, he loved it.

As you can see, I was having the time of my life!

Played a few games of miniature golf, I won both rounds. It reminded us that we have golf on our "bucket list", at least Jerry does since he has never golfed but I did many years ago. It now goes to the top of our list, we will get my clubs out of the upper storage and get Jerry a set and we will begin golfing and see if Jerry loves it as much as I always did.

Here is more of Jerry's wood work that he completed while we stayed at the Cape Hattereas KOA in the Outer Banks.


  1. We haven't played Mini golf in years. There's one in town here I think I'll see if I can talk the geezer into going there some evening.
    Hey, Kim, come check out my blog and see if I make all 31 days this month.

  2. How fun!! Those banana bikes look like great fun!!

  3. Let us know how it is working at the KOA at Cape Hatteras, had some friends we met at Fiesta Key KOA that used to work there during the summers. Wonder if they're still there?

    Hugs, Sharon & Ron Mead

  4. Hey Sharon & Ron, We tried to send you an email and we could not find your address, send us an email with your email address we have a few questions regarding KOS at Cape Hatteras and the Christmas tree lot this season.


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