
Thursday, September 25, 2008

A Day of Mishaps Or Miracles…You Decide

When we are traveling we have a flow that we get into in the morning so we can get unhooked and on the road…this morning we were not in the flow at all. “Did he really ask me to rinse the black tank while I was brushing my teeth?” Instead of allowing it to fester, boil and then ruin our entire day…we chose to let it go and just have a good laugh over it.

The rest of Texas was flat…and I-40 had major construction and was so rough between Tucumcari and Santa Rosa in New Mexico. Our plan was to stop for the day in Santa Rosa but our exit was closed and the next one was under so much construction, we decided to move forward. Our plan was to then head straight to the Sky City Casino which was going to be our next day stop.

Shortly after we left Santa Rosa the “NOISE” began…quietly at first…my impression was the belt needed more dressing or needed to be tightened. We pulled into the next rest area where Jerry then proceeded to take off all the stuff in the way and tightened up the belt…in his opinion it was not really loose enough to be causing the noise and he was right as we pulled out of the rest area…immediately the noise came back and was getting LOUDER! We pulled into the next exit which was the Clines Corners exit…a major truck stop. We pulled into an area where Jerry could check it out…he now determined as I drove it and he walked beside it that it was something to do with our right front tire…OH NO…of course we thought the worst. Out came the never before used hydraulic jack we purchased last year…up went the front end…off came the tire…turn…squeal…turn…louder squeal…then…plop…this piece of tar fell out. It was lodged in and stuck on the shield, rubbing against the rotor.

For the rest of the day we had a smooth drive through the mountains…also nice to see them again…through Albuquerque, New Mexico…having to readjust our driving since waiting until the last minute for fuel could be dangerous out west because stations are further apart than back east.

We arrived at Sky City Casino RV Park…not impressed…the park is new…still under construction in areas…nice but overpriced at $28 for a FHU…Casino was small and smoky…Huwaka Restaurant’s buffet located inside the casino was terrible, overpriced and food was dry and not a wide assortment…thank goodness we hit a few jackpots or it would have been a total bust.

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