
Friday, September 26, 2008

The Cool Pines in Williams, Arizona

We did not want to drive into Phoenix in the heat of the day so we opted to hang out in Williams…a crisp, chilly afternoon. We stayed at the Grand Canyon Railway RV Park …what a great park it is with all the amenities…using our Camp Club USA card we only paid $22...what a fantastic deal!

We took the shuttle that takes you anywhere on the premises of the Railway to Max & Thelma’s but they were closed until dinner so we walked a few short blocks to Pine Country Restaurant…the food was good but the pies were the BEST! If you are ever in the area…please do yourself a favor and try this place out.

Check out our Zee Map for the full reviews for both of these places.

I didn’t want to leave because the weather was fabulous, just wanted to hang out and enjoy this really beautiful area but Jerry wanted to head to Phoenix and get settled in so we left in the morning to beat the heat and got us a site for a month at this point in our journey…this may change since we are receiving many offers to go elsewhere. For now we are taking one day at a time…enjoying the moment and having the time of our lives!

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