
Saturday, December 15, 2007

The Spirit of Christmas…

Lives within each one of us. It’s not about the gifts, nor shopping, not even the decorating. The real meaning of Christmas lies within your heart. We are now trying very hard to see this season as a giving time, a caring time, a time where we love, even when that person no longer loves us.

It’s sad because the time we are all missing out of will never be returned. These precious years can never be given back to any one of us. Life is not always kind and we may not always have the life we wanted, but I know deep within myself, I was a good mother and a fantastic grandmother (Nana). There were many good times and yes, several very ugly times…but in reality, there was certainly many more good times then there were those dark and ugly ones. We recall many of those moments every day because at this time that is all we have…our memories of the life shared with our daughter and grandson.

It’s not about giving up, instead it’s about letting go. Yes, more than anything we would prefer to have our daughter forgive us and allow us back into their lives but we can now see that it is not going to happen.

"It is was it is!"

We cannot change other people, we can only change ourselves. She is doing the best she can at this moment with the knowledge she has, we are also doing all we know at this time and it is just not enough to take away her pain and her anger. It is time for us to move forward and continue praying that God keeps them safe, for it is now out of our hands and into his. I pray that I continue to have the strength to get through all the sad moments ahead.

1 comment:

  1. What a terrible time it must be for you, our prayers are with you.


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